Harassment In The Workplace

I had an opportunity to learn about the harassment in the workplace.

According to Impactly (https://www.getimpactly.com/), there are 11 types of harassment that needs to be stopped:

1. Discriminatory Harassment: racial harassment, gender harassment, religious harassment, disability-based harassment

2. Personal Harassment

3. Physical Harassment

4. Power Harassment

5. Psychological Harassment

6. Cyber-bullying

7. Retaliation Harassment

8. Sexual Harassment

9. Quid Pro Quo Sexual Harassment

10. Third-Party Harassment

11. Verbal Harassment


Not only the government division, the Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare, but also each prefecture government’s employment equal opportunity office provides the information and guidelines for several types of harassment. Nowadays, even customer harassment is getting prominent.

(https://www.no-harassment.mhlw.go.jp/) (https://www.no-harassment.mhlw.go.jp/foreign_workers_en) (https://www.mhlw.go.jp/stf/seisakunitsuite/bunya/koyou_roudou/koyoukintou/index.html) (https://www.mhlw.go.jp/bunya/koyoukintou/pamphlet/pdf/funso_jp.pdf) (http://www.msoffice.jp/files-usr/file_57c7674d2dd1f.pdf) (https://www.mhlw.go.jp/kouseiroudoushou/shozaiannai/roudoukyoku/index.html)

Akeno Sunflower Festival 2022

The Hokuto City Akeno Sunflower Festival has been held this year as well in the town of Akeno, the city of Hokuto, in Yamanashi Prefecture during 7/23-8/21, 2022 (https://www.city.hokuto.yamanashi.jp/docs/sunflowerfes.html). Approximately 300,000 common hybrid sunflowers and 4,000 sunfinity sunflowers have been grown in the fields.

Gallery Talks By The Artists

Gallery talks by the creators of the artistic objects for the 21st Century Jomon People Exhibition (7/16-8/21, 2022) were held at the Hokuto City Archeological Museum in the town of Oizumi, the city of Hokuto, in Yamanashi Prefecture on July 31, 2022 (https://www.city.hokuto.yamanashi.jp/docs/4772.html).

Thinking About The Jomon People Who Might Have Seen The Same Scenery, Hiroaki Matsuda, Hokuto City Archeological Museum, Oizumi-town, Hokuto-city, Yamanashi, 7/31/2022


The cicada species have long underground lives; yet, short lifespans above ground approximately five to six weeks. A hot sunny day a large brown cicada (Graptopsaltria nigrofuscata) landed at the veranda.

Large Brown Cicada, Kofu-city, Yamanashi, 7/20/2022

Kinsei Jomon Ruins Site

Kinsei Ruins Site is located in the town of Oizumi, the city of Hokuto, in Yamanashi Prefecture. It has been thought that the site was the ritual center for the prayers in the Late Jomon Period (2500 BCE). The artifacts excavated from the site have been stored and some have been exhibited at the Hokuto City Archeological Museum (https://hokuto-maibun.com/?page_id=154).

Kinsei Ruins Site, Oizumi-town, Hokuto-city, Yamanashi, 07/10/2022

Deep Pot Pottery, Late Part Of The Early Jomon Period (6000-5000 years ago), Hokuto City Archeological Museum, Oizumi-town, Hokuto-city, Yamanashi, 07/10/2022

Hollow Clay Figurine Excavated From The Kinsei Ruins Site, Hokuto City Archeological Museum, Oizumi-town, Hokuto-city, Yamanashi, 07/10/2022

FYI: https://www.metmuseum.org/toah/hd/jomo/hd_jomo.htm

Akyu Ruins Site

Akyu Ruins Site is located in the village of Hara, not far from the Idojiri Ruins Site, in Nagano Prefecture. It has been thought that the site was the spiritual center for the prayers in the Early Jomon Period (5000~3500 BCE). The artifacts excavated from the site have been stored and some have been exhibited at the Yatsugatake Museum of Art (https://yatsubi.com/en/).

https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Idojiri_ruins; https://www.metmuseum.org/toah/hd/jomo/hd_jomo.htm

FYI: A huge dogu (clay figure) is displayed on the front wall of the Kizukuri Station in Aomori Prefecture. The image was created from the clay figure excavated from the Kamegaoka Burial Site (https://www.jreast.co.jp/akita/gonosen/menu/15.html)(https://jomon-japan.jp/en/learn/jomon-sites/kamegaoka)(https://aomori-tourism.com/spot/detail_56.html).

Water Lilies and Lotus in Idojiro Jomon Ruins

Several varieties of water lily (Nymphaea odorata) and lotus (Nelumbo nucifera) plants have been blooming in the Idojiri Jomon Ruins Site in the town of Fujimi in Nagano Prefecture. The artifacts excavated from the site have been stored and exhibited in the Idojiri Archaeological Museum (https://jomon.co/en/point/detail/63/; https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Idojiri_ruins). Also, refer to the article on 2022/02/13.

Clay Figure, Idojiri Archaeological Museum, Idojiri Jomon Ruins, Fujimi-town, Nagano, 07/06/2022

FYI: https://www.metmuseum.org/toah/hd/jomo/hd_jomo.htm

Sample Grain Replica From Asteroid Ryugu

Replicas of a sample grain brought from asteroid Ryugu have been displayed at 196 locations around Japan since June 12. The replicas were made by the Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency (JAXA). Here in Yamanashi, there are two locations which have been displaying the replicas. I visited one of the two, Yamanashi Prefectural Science Center.

Replicas of a sample grain from asteroid Ryugu (JAXA). The sizes of the replicas are to scale with 1x and 10x. (https://www.hayabusa2.jaxa.jp/topics/20220610_replica/) (https://www.isas.jaxa.jp/en/missions/spacecraft/current/hayabusa2.html) (https://www.hayabusa2.jaxa.jp/en/)

Fireflies and Jazz at Night

Following the 9th “Jazz At The Mountain Temple In Mukawa,” another Mountain Temple jazz concert was held featuring Sakai Benisuke and CONTRASTE at Koryuji Temple in the town of Mukawa, the city of Hokuto, in Yamanashi Prefecture on July 2. The players were Benisuke Sakai (base), Momoko Aida (violin), Nobumasa Tanaka (piano), and Yoichi Okabe (drums). The Koryuji Temple belongs to the Soto Sect of Zen Buddhism. Also, please refer to the articles on 2017-05-19 and 2022-05-25. After the concert, several people enjoyed the entertainment by the fireflies nearby the stream and the bushes. There were enough numbers of fireflies, but it was very difficult to take pictures.

(Sakai Benisuke and CONTRASTE)