The Tsugane region in the town of Sutama, the city of Hokuto, in Yamanashi Prefecture, used be well-known for its apple production. However, because of its reduced population and the aging community, the number of apple growers and the area of apple orchards have decreased drastically, and it is very difficult to find Tsugane produced apples these days.
At Oishii Gakkou (literally meaning “delicious school”) in Sutama town, you can purchase some agricultural produce grown in the Tsugane region. And also, you can enjoy local vegetables and bread in the restaurants and the bakery. There are accommodation facilities as well, so you can stay there and experience some local activities if you want.
Apple Trees, Tsugane, Hokuto-city, Yamanashi, 11/21/2021Oishii Gakkou From the Showa and Taisho Period, Tsugane, Hokuto-city, Yamanashi, 11/21/2021Oishii Gakkou From the Meiji Period, Tsugane, Hokuto-city, Yamanashi, 11/21/2021 Washi Paper Used for the Ceiling, Tsugane Gakkou-Meiji Period; Autumn View, Tsugane, Hokuto-city, Yamanashi, 11/21/2021
Tabayama-mura (the village of Tabayama) and Kosuge-mura (the village of Kosuge) are located in the mountainous northeastern corner of Yamanashi prefecture. Both villages have nice camping sites and are good for fishing and other outdoor activities. Route 411 connecting Hachioji and Oku-Tama, Tokyo and Koshu, Yamanashi runs through Tabayama. It is a very popular motorcycle road in the same as Doshi-michi (road), Route 413. It is also very popular for bikers (cyclists). It was a fine autumn day, so there were a lot of motorcyclists and enough bikers. Prefecture Road 18 connects Tabayama to Kosuge and joins Route 139. These areas provide the water resource to the Oku-Tama area.
An event on “Hunting and Cooking Deer” and “Outdoor Sauna” was held in Michi-no-Eki (Road Station) Tabayama on November 6-7, 2021.
The Taba River, Tabayama-village, Yamanashi, 11/06/2021 Pyracantha and Bikes, Road Station Tabayama, Tabayama-village, Yamanashi, 11/06/2021Maple Tree and Suspension Bridge, Hot Spring Nomekoi, Tabayama-village, Yamanashi, 11/06/2021Demon Slayer Article, Yamanashi Daily News Paper, Hot Spring Nomekoi, Tabayama-village, Yamanashi, 11/06/2021
In a very popular anime and manga story Demon Slayer (Kimetsu No Yaiba), the main character Tanjiro made a living selling charcoal in the Mt. Kumotori area, most likely in the Oku-Tama side.
Maple Trees, Road Station Kosuge, Kosuge-village, Yamanashi, 11/06/2021
Rokugo is known for its name seals in Japan. Rokugo is a district of the town of Ichikawamisato in Yamanashi Prefecture. Its history dates back to the Edo period when high quality crystal was found in Yamanashi Prefecture and its use for name seals was established. The creativity and technique have been handed down through generations until today. Nowadays people (and the government) talk about breaking away from traditional seal usage; however, name deals will surely be around for a while at least in Japan. ( (
Welcome to Rokugo, Ichikawamisato, Yamanashi, 10/30/2021
The Largest Name Seal in Japan Probably the Largest in the World, 2m x 3m weighs 6 tons; It Says Immovable Like A Mountain, Rokugo Branch, Yamanashi Chuo Bank, Ichikawamisato, Yamanashi, 10/30/2021
Office of Rokugo Name Seal Industry Federation
Materials for Name Seals, Tusk and Water Buffalo,Ichikawamisato, Yamanashi, 10/30/2021Materials for Name Seals, Amethyst from Brazil and Agate from South Africa,Ichikawamisato, Yamanashi, 10/30/2021Examples of Name Seals and Prints, Rokugo Name Seal Industry Federation, Ichikawamisato, Yamanshi, 10/30/2021Examples of Name Seals and Prints, Rokugo Name Seal Industry Federation,Ichikawamisato, Yamanshi, 10/30/2021
Doshi-mura (the village of Doshi) is located in the southeastern corner of Yamanashi prefecture next to Kanagawa prefecture. Doshi Road, part of Route 413, was part of the Tokyo Olympics Cycling Road Races located in the middle of the Tokyo, Kanagawa, Lake Yamanaka, and Mount Fuji areas. And also, this road is a very popular motorcycle road from the Tokyo area through Mount Fuji to the Hakone area. Even today there were tens of thousands of motorcyclists in this narrow mountainous road. About a hundred motorcycles were parked at Michino-eki (Road Station) Doshi.
Road Station Doshi, Doshi-village, Yamanashi, 10/24/2021
Doshi-village is famous for its watercress. Because of its clear mountainous water, its quality is superb. You can find almost any products with watercress you can think of here.
Buckwheat noodles with watercress, Doshi-village, Yamanashi, 10/24/2021
Yokohama-city has been depending on its water resource to Doshi-village since the Meiji period, and it maintains the watershed protection forest covering about 2800ha in Doshi. There used to be a lion head common plug and bluff donated by Yokohama-city in Showa 57, but I saw it nowhere. It seems that there are several remained in Yokohama-city; it is said that originally 600 common plugs were imported from the UK.
A photo exhibition and a DVD screening were held to commemorate the second year anniversary of his death at Kusakabe Community Center in Yamanashi-shi, Yamanashi, October 5-10, 2021.
“We choose not to go to the places where everyone is willing to go, but rather to the places where help is desperately needed and no one else is willing to go.” (Tetsu Nakamuta)
In 1978, Tetsu Nakamura served as a medic for a Fukuoka Climbing Association mountaineering team that had an expedition to climb Mount Tirich Mir in western Pakistan. He was drawn to it because he loved climbing and collecting insects. The PMS was set up in 1983 to support Nakamura’s medical activities in the remote Pakistan and Afghanistan mountainous regions. Starting from 2000, a severe drought hit the eastern Afghanistan. Then, he soon realized that “One irrigation canal will do more good than 100 doctors.” He started building an irrigation canal getting water from the Kunar River, inspired from the irrigation canals that had been built in Fukuoka, Japan in the Edo period more than 200 years ago. The rest is history.
Dr. Tetsu NakamuraPhoto Exhibition in Session, Kusakabe Community Center, Yamanashi-shi, Yamanashi, 10/10/2021 Medical Services in Eastern AfghanistanWell Projects
Food Distribution Services
Digging a CanalBefore and Five Years After the Canal was CompletedMaintenance of the Canal & Nakamura Talking to the PeopleWater for the Animals & for the PeopleAfter the Canal was Completed; Agriculture: Wheat FarmingWatermelon Fields; Rice Paddy; Beekeeping
A Mosque and Madrasa (an Islamic School)
One Million Trees were Planted (March 2019); Caravan
The country of Afghanistan is in chaos again. What has the United States of America done in the country for the last twenty years? What will be the future of Afghanistan?
A food drive has been scheduled by Yamanashi Food Bank. It is an approved specified non-profit organization. October has been set as a promotion month for reducing food loss and waste by the government, and October 16th is World Food Day established by the United Nations to raise awareness of poverty and hunger. Yamanashi Food Bank has energetically been acting to help people in need and reduce the number of children in poverty. It set an special period, October 16 through November 16, 2021, to intensify food drive and arranged several food-collection places to increase the volume of foodstuffs donated by the people having a good spirit. (
The Japan Meteorological Agency Kofu Meteorological Office re-announced that Mount Fuji got its first snow-cap of the season on September 26. According to The Mainichi Newspapers, the first snow-cap of the season on the 3,776-meter mountain had initially been announced on 9/7, but, the record was rescinded on 9/22 because it no longer met “snow-cap” after the average high temperatures on the peak were revised on 9/20.
Mount Fuji with Snow-Cap, Kai, Yamanashi, 9/27/2021
September is a busy month. September 1 was Disaster Prevention Day in Japan, 9/20 was the Harvest Moon, and 9/23 was the autumnal equinox day. Harvesting crops have begun. Most rice cultivars are ready for harvesting.
Rice plants almost ready for harvesting, Rice paddy fields, Nirasaki, Yamanashi, 9/22/2021Early cultivar rice was already harvested, Rice field, Nirasaki, Yamanashi, 9/22/2021Harvested early-cultivar rice plants hung on beams, Rice paddy field, Nisarasaki, Yamanashi, 9/22/20
The rice may be consumed at home not for selling, said that naturally dried rice is a little tastier than machine dried.